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What is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer Marketing is a type of Marketing based on the influence that public figures have to a group of people.

It involves working with people who are highly recognized in various media, including TV or Social Media. These people are called "Influencers".

A Brand may advertise its products or services, either directly or indirectly, through an Influencer. Thus, the Brand gains the trust of a particular audience and increases its sales.

The success of Influencer Marketing is based on the public exposure of a person's life. So, when we relate to the life of an Influencer, we unconsciously relate ourselves to the products or services he (or she) is promoting.

Influencer Marketing is just one of the various types of Marketing that can be used for a business's digital promotion.

At NetPlanet, we own a specialized 360 Digital Marketing department, certified by Google and capable of identifying and using the most appropriate means, in order to promote your business!

Do you want more? www.netplanet.gr

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